2021 Grant Allocations

American Cancer Society-Benton County Relay for $20,000

Research, Education & Advocacy

Terebinth Refuge for $24,295.00

Expansion of Employment Readiness Program

Lutheran Social Service-Crisis Nursery for $15,000

Support their Housing Access Service Program

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-Great Strides $20,000

Research, Drug Development & Treatment

Independent Lifestyles, Inc for $25,000

Support Vets & Disabled People to Attend Camp

Muscular Dystrophy Association for $10,000

Support Children to Attend Local Camps

CROSS Center of Benton County $5,423

Re-blacktopping, privacy fence, lift refrig. units.

Employment Enterprises, Inc. for $25,000

Equipment to crush glass to employ disabled employees

INDY Foundation for $23,450

Backpacks for Cancer Patients Hospital Stays

Milaca Fire and Rescufor $20,000

Replace dated Extrication Tools

OIF Dream Center for $3.598

Upgrade Camera Security System

Rice Legion Auxiliary for $5,000

Bring Vietnam Traveling Wall to Rice

Rise, Inc for $10,000

Direct Assistance for People with Mental Illness

Helping Hands Outreach for $15,000

Expand program to help seniors to Rice area

MN Adult Teen Challenge for $7,000

Expand addiction program to veterans

WACOSA for $25,000

Purchase trash compactor to reduce trash & training


Central MN Child Advocacy Center
City of St Cloud RSVP
Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest
City of Rice Recreation Department
City of Rice Police Department
Milaca Area Pantry
Rice Area Food Shelf
Morrison County Sheriff’s Department
Gilman Park & Rec
Mille Lacs County Operation Com Connect
Rum River Life Choices
Morrill Little League
The Bridge A/C Church
Volleyball for a Bash for a Cure
Horizon Health Inc
Holiday Helping Hands